Wednesday 21 January 2015

First bike ride of 2015

Distance: 10.19 miles
Average speed: 7.8 mph
Maximum speed: 14 mph

It's been a while since trusty steed left the shed. Yesterday I braved the elements (cold but not windy) and set off for the first bike ride of the year. The cycle path was relatively free of walkers and dogs, so a good start.

The river was quite high and as I passed along I noticed a pheasant. Pheasants have a reputation of not being the brightest of birds and this one seemed to confirm that reputation: unless it had aspirations to be a duck.

There was lots of debris around, not sure whether the wind or human hand had placed it there.

I stopped off for a warming cup of tea to find the cafe full of "real" cyclists, all lycra clinging clad (in contrast, my multi layered look was more of the Nanook of the north sartorial elegance). I had a really interesting conversation with one of the guys I shared a table with. He told me he had cycled 38 miles averaging 18mph before stopping for a coffee break. I kept quiet about my need for a rest after a mere 6 miles, or the fact that I could only achieve speeds just entering two figures if I pushed the pedals rather than my usual freewheeling down any slight incline.

I rode onto Glasson Dock and watched seagulls skittering on the ice, but couldn't get a picture of any of them in action.

Wednesday 14 January 2015


I recently bought this amazing piece of craftsmanship.