Wednesday 18 May 2016

Phone photography

I have been using the Phonescope attachment I bought  from the RSPB.

Both the sundew and butterwort are about to flower at the moment. Each is sending a long stalk into the air to attract insects. Meanwhile, lower down, the plants continue to catch flies in their leaves and so getting the best of both worlds.

Butterwort flower bud

Sundew flower bud

There is lots of new growth in the sundew. It is lovely to see the light catch on the leaf edges as the leaves unfurl.

sundew leaf

sundew leaf

The cucumber plant is growing apace and tendrils are beginning to appear. It won't be long now before I can take some time lapse of them coiling round the bamboo support.

cucumber tendril

It is amazing how much detail can be seen. The hooks on the hind wing of the honey bee are clearly visible.
honey bee wing showing hooks

Finally, a "guess what"!