Friday 2 December 2011

An avalanche of words

Things have been hectic and so I've not had the chance to post for a while. It’s not that I haven’t been typing; the reality is that thousands of words have travelled from my keyboard to screen in the last week. Not my words alas, but those transcribed from recordings of interviews, seminars and lectures that I have been typing up for work. So, my head is awash with snippets from other people’s lives, opinions and lively, enthusiastic discussion from the seminar room and, in addition, I've learnt about the intricacies of  Much ado about nothing. 


  1. Fabulous, Anne. I couldn't have said or shown it better! Hopefully things will calm down for you soon?

  2. Thank you Ginnie, and yes things should calm down a bit as the students break up for Christmas
