Monday 5 December 2011

Time on our hands

It was suggested that A Start Must Be Made, so we wended our way first to the local brewery for lunch; our excuse was that the Lancaster brewed beer would make good Christmas presents. Bargains were to be had, and  enough beer was bought so that we could do some consumer testing to ensure that it tasted good. The bulk of it has been put in the shed in the hope that it will not go the same way as the chocolates I used to buy for the children's Christmas stockings. Said chocolate had to be bought several times over before it actually made it to Christmas Eve.

From there a photographic foray into the nearby antiques market; another plethora of delight before the buying of the Christmas tree.

 Far too early in my opinion, but considering that last year's search entailed a 100 mile round trip to find what seemed like the last Christmas tree in the land it was deemed necessary that we should plan earlier this year. So, a tree was chosen and again dispatched to the shed (with the beer) until a more sensible time for putting it up i.e. Christmas Eve!

Sunday, and another photographic wander into town and to a lovely little coffee shop we've just discovered. Coffee and cakes set us up for the battle of the Christmas shopping madness.

The comfortable chairs set me to looking for Australian coffee


  1. HA! I like the way your mind works, Anne. :) And good for you to think ahead like this.

    In Holland they aren't supposed to put up the Christmas decorations until AFTER today...Sinterklassdag. But Astrid kindly "allowed" me to put the tree up yesterday. And then I'll keep it up long into Janaury! Ours is an artificial tree that I bought my first December here 2 years ago. Not everyone's cuppa tea but it sure makes it a lot easier for us. :)

  2. I realised last year that the type of Christmas tree is none negotiable!! hey ho! but it was worth the look of pleasure when we did find that last tree!
