Tuesday 17 July 2012

A diary, but not in the chronological sense

It's been 14 months since I started posting on Shutterchance, pretty much a picture a day and as I look through the archive I am surprised at what a good memory jogger it all is.

Most of the time I do not put titles to the pictures, though the date of posting is there. Many weeks have a rough theme; these are interspersed with random pictures from my chaotic cataloguing.

The sample above includes trips away to Edinburgh, Somerset and the Lake district; rainy day microscopy; walks on Wharton Crags and around Lancaster; a tulip from my mother's garden;  close-up practice.


  1. Oh how fun, Anne. Who would have thought of doing a print-screen/picture of that archive page! HA! I love it.

    1. Thank you Ginnie, I am building a physical record of this too by printing off a weekly montage of images posted.

  2. I am seriously impressed that you have kept it going regularly. Says a lot about your determination and tenacity. Mine would have fizzled out in weeks. Well done, Anne, and congratulations on the diversity or your subjects. It's wonderful! You inspire me to be less of a lazy slob...

    1. I really appreciate the comments, thank you!
