Tuesday 10 July 2012

Rainy day activities

Cycling ....

Well it didn't start out as a rainy day activity (because at that point it hadn't started raining);  it started out as "I must get a few more miles on the odometer so that when that nice man at the bike shop does the 6 week check up he doesn't think I am using my bike as an expensive garden ornament". I set off along the river for Woody's snack bar; an elevenses mug of tea and a spicy beanburger while enjoying the view seemed a good incentive. However, when I got to the aqueduct I noticed that a ramp had been built, so a quick change of plan and destination was made. Getting bike and self onto the canal tow path meant that I did not require the medical attention that would have been essential had I gone for the carrying of bike up the steep steps option.

As it was an overcast day (no rain yet), there were few people around which was good as it does take a little time to get into narrow canal tow path cycling mode, especially when the canal looks rather full. There were a few dog walkers around but most seemed to be of owner in charge of dog sort, rather than the rampant dog in charge of owner sort. Luckily no dogs or owners of any sort were encountered as I negotiated the many bridges. Said bridges are preceded by the tow path equivalent of a speed bump which is  followed by cobblestones under the (low) bridge. Also, why is it that all bridges seem to be on a curve so that it is impossible to see ahead? Slow pedalling techniques on a slippery cobblestoned  curved path seem to me to be  recipe for disaster. I realised that perhaps I should be ringing the bicycle bell while doing these manoevres, but that seemed too much of a multitasking demand.

A decision had to be made once I reached the sign indicating Morecambe or Carnforth.  I opted for Carnforth as it would add more miles to the clock.  I continued, and cheerily acknowledged a fellow tow path user by saying it was good it was still dry, she informed me that she was walking into the wind AND rain. Unperturbed I cycled on and once in Carnforth made my way to the station and its coffee shop (cue in music from Rachmaninoff's Piano concerto No. 2).

I had been remiss in not taking my camera, though did take a picture using my phone.

Having been suitably refreshed I stepped outside into the pouring rain. It looked set for the duration, so I had no choice but to brave the elements and cycle back. The good thing was that there were very few other feckless dauntless canal path users, the down side was that within a very short time I was totally droukit.  However ..... importantly, by the time I got home, another 20 miles had been added to the odometer.

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