Monday 4 February 2013

Elusive bitterns

When we were in Australia, one of the pictures I took was this one. Just leaves under a multi stemmed (rooted?) tree you might think.

Having arrived back in the UK the pictures were perused  in more detail and we were amazed to find that a snake had been lurking in the leaves that I had been nonchalantly thrashing around in!

It was while we were wandering in Leighton Moss at the weekend that Q remembered this wild life spotting technique and wondered if we could apply it to our (so far) totally ineffectual efforts to actually see one of the reserve's famous inhabitants, the bittern. That we have failed to see a lot more of the reserve's inhabitants seems insignificant in comparison to our lack of tick against the bittern box.

So ... the idea was that we take LOTS of pictures of the bittern's natural habitat (reeds, reeds and more reeds) and then come home and scrutinise the results for that give-away profile.

Hmmm. it doesn't seem to have worked, or else we are not looking closely enough.  That said, we did as always have a great time.


  1. I would have freaked out if I had seen a snake in the pictures but not in real life. Isn't that weird!

    I ADORE the sweet birdie...and the colorful pheasant (?). And just the other day Astrid and I spotted our first snowdrops here where we live. I think we need to have more winter first, however. (sigh)

    1. It was rather scary knowing that I had been so close to this thing without realising :(

      It is lovely taking pictures of the robins as they are so tame, and yes, it is a pheasant
